
If you have any questions, or wish to contact a Seven Basket Representative, you can send an E-mail to INFO@SevenBaskets.org

You can write to us at:

Seven Baskets           P O Box 2421   Columbus, IN    47202

Seven Baskets respects your  privacy. Seven Baskets will never share any information; personal or otherwise; with any other source.  Seven Baskets does not rely on any third party advertising for revenue and depends solely on deductible contributions  for our ministry. If the Lord places a burden on your heart to contribute, please contact us through our contacts tab.

Workshop Information

Workshops available from Seven Baskets:

1. Layman's Guide to Bible Overview - This presentation(s) looks at scripture from the standpoint of a five-part play. It deals with arrangement, chronology, history and rules of interpretation. Can be presented as a partial or day long seminar.

2. The Language of Confusion - Deals with words and arguments used in the creation/evolution subject area. Explains definitions, facts, generalizations and misnomers. Can also be used for several sessions.


3. Creation Science Simplified - Gives the very basic areas often repeated by evolutionary speakers. The fossil record, the tree of life, gradualism and so on.

4. Tract of the Month Presentations - Offers ways that local congregations can use literature more effectively by using holidays and special occasions as markers. Can be used as an annual program.

5. The Deadly Triangle: Abortion, Racism and Suicide - Delves into the roots of these most insidious of movements. Presents history and challenges Christians to address the real problem.

6. Words That Christians Shouldn't Use - Ever notice how current expressions sneak into your vocabulary? Without thinking, we often give relief to our enemy by what we say. This workshop is about thinking and recognizing how language shapes our lives and thus, our witness.


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